Frontend Developer

Professional profile

AEM Certified Developer with 4+ years of experience. Has experience working in projects that involve different solutions from the Adobe Experience Cloud. Can provide a technical understanding of how an experience-focused project should be planned.

Career summary

  • (2022– Present) - AEM Front end Developer
    Prepared component analysis with UI/UX. Performed the analysis and build thesetup to remote SPA (headless). Developed components in react.
  • (2021 – 2022 ) - Senior Software Engineer
    Front end development using angular 8, CSS best practices and typescript.Project management, using Scrum methodo logy. AEM enviro nmentmanagement. Responsive application development. Code development inJavaScript. AWS: EC2, ECS, EKS, S3, Code Pipeline, CloudWatch, SSM, Route53,IAM. Terraform as IaC. Git code versioning. AEM Lead developing and helpanother’s people.


  • English ( working proficiency)
  • Portuguese (native)

Education & qualifications

  • Bachelor of Information Systems